Saturday, January 9, 2010

Finally Family Pictures!

We went up to Kiddie Kandids today and got our family pictures taken finally. I say this because it has been 2.5 years since we have had a new one taken. We also got pictures of the boys which was interesting. I think they turned out okay. Kyler refused to smile. He is in this shy stage and would not smile he kept biting his lip so in all of his pics he is either not smiling or biting his lip. Keaton broke down about 5 pictures into it, but we soon had him eating puffs and he was fine. They are both so dang cute it really doesn't matter what they were doing. It was a crazy day but I am glad we got it done. Next time I want to get outdoor pictures taken. I think that gives you a lot more options. Anyway,Joe has been living in Circleville for the last 4, almost 5 months during the week and so it has been a challenge to find a Saturday to go get pics. So hurray we did it they are done for this year!

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