Winding down after the holidays!Kyler's most favorite thing right now is Batman. He is my hero!Joe and Keaton fell to sleep in the recliner (this happens alot) Hope you enjoyed my backwards review(I will get better at posting hopefully and things will look better. There is a lot more that we did, but I am just not good at remembering my camera or taking good pictures, so we will see if I can improve that.

Christmas~ The first picture is of my boys just before we went out to see what Santa brought. Kyler was so excited this year about everything. When he came out and saw the truck he wouldn't really look at it as though he couldn't believe it was really there. I really need to get better with my camera and take more pictures. I always wish I would have taken more pics. I will try to do better this year 2010. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful gifts and all that you do for us! Merry Christmas!!!
Halloween ~ We had Josh , Mindy and PJ, Jered and Jessica,Shayla, Jarrett and Ryder over and we ate soup in bread bowls, then we played games and visited. We took pictures of the boys.(Ryder, Kyler, Keaton, and PJ) Among the kids that stopped by trick or treating Trevor, Bowen, and Wyatt came. I had to take a double look at Bowen to realize he wasn't a girl. He looked so cute, we laughed really hard. Good costumes this year.

At the Peterson Reunion some of us decided to hike the nipple. It was really hot and quite the workout, not to mention I had just had a c-section one month before. It was really fun to make it to the top. Kyler slept most of the hike down, I don't know how he could sleep on Joe's head while he was hiking down hill, but he did. Good Memories!

Kyler's 3rd Birthday!! We celebrated Ky's Birthday at our Peterson Family Reunion on 12 Mile Canyon Campground. I can't believe that he is 3 already. He is so much fun and I love him so much. I am so excited to watch him grow and learn new things.

Swimming @ Gunnison Pool and the Taylor Reunion. After the Taylor Reunion at the park Dionne and Dave and their kids (Olivia, Dawson, and Tessa) went swimming with us. It was a lot of fun Dionne and I got to talk while the boys and Livvy swam.

The 4th of July - We had fun at the Park on the 3rd watching fireworks with family. We enjoyed the parade and seeing Joe on the tractor. Ky got his face painted and rode on the big slide with Joe. After we played at the park for a while we went to my mom's. Grandpa and Kyler had a little nap they were so worn out from the heat.

Keaton's Blessing Sept. 6th 2009. We enjoyed visiting with family, eating and playing at the park.
At the Peterson Reunion some of us decided to hike the nipple. It was really hot and quite the workout, not to mention I had just had a c-section one month before. It was really fun to make it to the top. Kyler slept most of the hike down, I don't know how he could sleep on Joe's head while he was hiking down hill, but he did. Good Memories!
Kyler's 3rd Birthday!! We celebrated Ky's Birthday at our Peterson Family Reunion on 12 Mile Canyon Campground. I can't believe that he is 3 already. He is so much fun and I love him so much. I am so excited to watch him grow and learn new things.
Livvy,Dawson, Joe, and Kyler
Swimming @ Gunnison Pool and the Taylor Reunion. After the Taylor Reunion at the park Dionne and Dave and their kids (Olivia, Dawson, and Tessa) went swimming with us. It was a lot of fun Dionne and I got to talk while the boys and Livvy swam.
The 4th of July - We had fun at the Park on the 3rd watching fireworks with family. We enjoyed the parade and seeing Joe on the tractor. Ky got his face painted and rode on the big slide with Joe. After we played at the park for a while we went to my mom's. Grandpa and Kyler had a little nap they were so worn out from the heat.
Kyler and PJ (Mindy's Stepson) had a pool party at our house when Mindy came down after Keaton was born. They had fun playing in the pool and jumping on the tramp with the sprinkler. Stylin little guys in their sunglasses and swim trunks. : )

Keaton James Jensen was born June 19, 2009. What a sweet handsome little one. Look at his proud brother Ky. He was so cute and excited to have a brother. Shara came and helped with my c-section. Thanks a bunch it was fun to have you there to walk us through everything that was going on. We are so blessed to have 2 wonderful little guys.

This is my favorite picture of Joe and Keaton. Joe is always so nervous about the c-section and tiny new baby. You can see it in his face how nervous and happy he is! I love you hun!

This is my favorite picture of Joe and Keaton. Joe is always so nervous about the c-section and tiny new baby. You can see it in his face how nervous and happy he is! I love you hun!
Getting Ky's Ear Tubes and removing his ear nub. We miss the little skin tag. :( but he wanted it off so it is no longer there.
Lazy day naps on the couch. Yes Kyler is sleeping on Joe's feet in a very uncomfortable position. Joe is also asleep with a bag of Ace Popcorn under his arm. Very funny!